ModelMan:Holy Jeez, dude! I don't even believe what I am seeing!!! That is phenomenal! Symmetrical air tanks along the back wall, even!
Studying the pix, I guess the overall construction is straight forward enough. But to get all the proportions blows my mind away! I'm gonna guess you built the pods too? Are they Wilco's?
A couple months ago I joked that upon finishing my first 1/12 CCPod, I would need to get a 2nd. At that point, I may as well get a third. Having three pods laying around, it would only then be the next 'simple' of building a bay to house them. Seeing this here, I have a unique and unqualified example of success as to how to proceed!
It doesn't look like it would take much to modernize your diorama! Throw some fiber optic in, switch up to leds, do a ceiling or the front wall, gloss up the floor... It's there!
Thanks for sharing these!
Dave:Yikes!!!!! You should show this to Scott, I am certain he would be Very complimentary, seeing all you had for ref. was good old VHS. Hell even if I had the original plans and the 70mm playing in my theater I couldn't do what you have done from scratch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your modeling GOD-ship
Genuflect in your general direction etc......
UKWookie:You're both too kind! ;D
There *is* a ceiling panel but it's not very exciting so I didn't photograph it...
The pods are scratchbuilt and cast in plaster as it was a very low-tech effort. Other repeating details such as the oxygen tanks and ceiling vents were also cast in plaster from simple latex rubber moulds.
The illuminated screens and panels were a lot of work. Back in '86-'87 I didn't have a graphic program for my home computer so the graphic screens were programmed in BASIC (remember that?) and then photographed onto 35mm transparencies. These were then backlit and rephotographed down to the correct size. A full-size HAL panel was built from card and rephotographed in the same way and incorporated in the panels. All the illuminated buttons were done the same way.
Oh yes, a 1/12th Pod Bay would be a lovely project wouldn't it! ;D
MM:I guess I am going to have to learn how to mold and pour at some point...
Your notes on the screen work make the project even more impressive given the circumstance!
That is definitely a piece that if it can be pulled apart, redefined and modernized would be a true gem!
I mentioned @ AC the notion of a CMKGuts scratch kit. Basically, the guts without the shell, which would be displayed on it's own. You are well on your way to a true scratch kit. HAL's room is only the floor above and starboard. There must be a central hall that connects to the center and goes to the centrifuge out back and the flight deck still yet above. I think Starmann has some plans he worked out. I'll have to see if I can track that site down again...
Apart from the molded tanks and fiddly bits, is the rest of the model mostly sheet plastic hand cut for reach wall and panel?
I'm wondering if we may have to add the side rooms and halls to Scott's CMK if he closes the side doors...
UKW:Yeah, almost the whole model is made from plain old styrene sheet - hand cut and scribed
Only the fiddly and repeatable details were cast.
In a larger scale podbay it would be tempting to apply some relief detail to the spare parts 'hallway' (if not present in the kit) and possibly some fine texture to the velcro walkways. I'm thinking very fine glasspaper perhaps...
Ideally Scott's HAL console will be cast hollow or in clear resin or to allow for easier lighting... as it's such a focal point of the podbay I don't think it would look right if the lighting effects were just painted on.
Robertfish:Tony, I just want to add my compliments here as well. Awesome work! Thanks very much for sharing!
snmavronis:Very nice work. I like that you have the side room that has the ladder area too. Good job for something 20 years old with the lack of reference material back then!
UKW:Thanks for all the kind words chaps!
I hope when the time comes I can do justice to the Captain's Pod Bay ;D ... and I have (vague) plans for my Timeslip Discovery as well!
MM:Could you snap a few more detail pix? The suit, the pod, the floor, the ceiling, the back wall, panels and so on?
Thanks again for posting this amazing piece of work, Tony!